Alwin and Heidi Tomer, begin their classic work, War and Antiwar, with the horrific picture of a Bosnian child whose face has been half ripped away by explosives and its mother staring at what is left. Exactly a decade after the book was published, we again see a similar picture but from Iraq proving the theory of the Tomers that the book is a prelude to the wars and anti wars to come. But the difference in the two pictures is that if the Bosnian child's was caught by the CNN, the dying child in Iraq was shown to the world by Al-Jazeera, and if the former picture was about war, the latter is about the antiwar that is being waged.
That is exactly what the Tomers did not foresee, for they thought that even anti- war efforts are domain of the war mongers. The Tomers could not have imagined a powerful alternative channel like the AI-Jazeera to fight for the cause of the "second wave nations" against the might of the "third wave superpowers" to put it in their own terms. They believed that media activity in the future would be the exclusive sphere of the big conglomerates, and if any competition arises for CNN, it would be from other players from the industrialised info-rich nations of the "third wave" stable. (Alwin Toffler's "third wave" is characterised by knowledge and brainbased economies.)
Toffler talk about a new world order threatened with wars and anti-wars, and where "knowledge has become the central resource of destructivity just as it is the central resource of productivity". Information is central for "third wave" warfare, and hence, an equally competent anti-war force characterised by dissemination of counter-information, is necessary and vital.
In this context of anti-war, the efforts of AI-Jazeera and a host of dedicated websites and newsblogs, deserve unreserved appreciation. Unlike the first Gulf War of 1991, the ongoing battle has given rise to an equal volume of media coverage of both pro-war and anti-war activities. The principal voice of the warmongers has been the AP, Reuters, CNN and BBC," who carry nothing but pro-war propaganda. The BBC and CNN reports are stuffed with Coalition Forces' press briefings that show military generals defending their actions, and saying how their "humanitarian" laser-guided smart bombs have avoided great human casualties by selective targeting. As proof, they show clippings from the weapon video systems of demolished targets and satellite pictures of the target before and after detonation. Never before have military generals shown pictures of war from such angles to substantiate their arguments. Toffler too refer to this, saying that these video images of targets and hits, amplify the real situation. Even pilots engaged in actual combat sometimes reset their cockpit video displays, to make themselves look better on CNN. The likes of these video images are part of the Toffierian "third wave" information warfare. In this warfare, it is even easy to simulate entire battles that never took place or summit meetings, showing the enemy rejecting a peaceful negotiation.
The info war does not end there. Take the Reuters report of March 25: "For Iraqis war is better than hunger". The report goes on to say that plenty of people in southern Iraq are trying to "surrender" as a means of getting food and water; it ends by saying that the PoWs are being treated fairly and humanely with "good halal food" - the punch-line. Yet another Reuters reportage expresses immense doubt about the Saddam Hussein images shown on Al-Jazeera, and tries to explain that there is no concrete proof as to whether he is dead or otherwise. Interestingly, the report ends with a quote from an Iraqi doctor and morphologist that the "real Saddam died because he had cancer of the lymph nodes and since his death in 1999 they're just showing his doubles". Another instance is an AP picture of a British military doctor "saving" the life of a four-day-old child, thereby highlighting the humane face of the war mongers. Or was it to neutralise the Al-Jazeera picture of the dead Iraqi child? Such is the dreadful nature of this information war.
As Toffler says, the "third wave media is characterised by such tactical approaches to information, creating a sense of unreality over real events. The jamming of the AI-Jazeera websites and the attacks on its television stations, are also part of the "knowledge strategies" to aid destruction.
The US might win the war, but for sure, they would not stop there. Any country with great natural resources would be the target of American expansionism. What the Thirld World needs is a more mature anti-war strategy, more effective use of knowledge resources and the creation of a new "information ecology"
That is exactly what the Tomers did not foresee, for they thought that even anti- war efforts are domain of the war mongers. The Tomers could not have imagined a powerful alternative channel like the AI-Jazeera to fight for the cause of the "second wave nations" against the might of the "third wave superpowers" to put it in their own terms. They believed that media activity in the future would be the exclusive sphere of the big conglomerates, and if any competition arises for CNN, it would be from other players from the industrialised info-rich nations of the "third wave" stable. (Alwin Toffler's "third wave" is characterised by knowledge and brainbased economies.)
Toffler talk about a new world order threatened with wars and anti-wars, and where "knowledge has become the central resource of destructivity just as it is the central resource of productivity". Information is central for "third wave" warfare, and hence, an equally competent anti-war force characterised by dissemination of counter-information, is necessary and vital.
In this context of anti-war, the efforts of AI-Jazeera and a host of dedicated websites and newsblogs, deserve unreserved appreciation. Unlike the first Gulf War of 1991, the ongoing battle has given rise to an equal volume of media coverage of both pro-war and anti-war activities. The principal voice of the warmongers has been the AP, Reuters, CNN and BBC," who carry nothing but pro-war propaganda. The BBC and CNN reports are stuffed with Coalition Forces' press briefings that show military generals defending their actions, and saying how their "humanitarian" laser-guided smart bombs have avoided great human casualties by selective targeting. As proof, they show clippings from the weapon video systems of demolished targets and satellite pictures of the target before and after detonation. Never before have military generals shown pictures of war from such angles to substantiate their arguments. Toffler too refer to this, saying that these video images of targets and hits, amplify the real situation. Even pilots engaged in actual combat sometimes reset their cockpit video displays, to make themselves look better on CNN. The likes of these video images are part of the Toffierian "third wave" information warfare. In this warfare, it is even easy to simulate entire battles that never took place or summit meetings, showing the enemy rejecting a peaceful negotiation.
The info war does not end there. Take the Reuters report of March 25: "For Iraqis war is better than hunger". The report goes on to say that plenty of people in southern Iraq are trying to "surrender" as a means of getting food and water; it ends by saying that the PoWs are being treated fairly and humanely with "good halal food" - the punch-line. Yet another Reuters reportage expresses immense doubt about the Saddam Hussein images shown on Al-Jazeera, and tries to explain that there is no concrete proof as to whether he is dead or otherwise. Interestingly, the report ends with a quote from an Iraqi doctor and morphologist that the "real Saddam died because he had cancer of the lymph nodes and since his death in 1999 they're just showing his doubles". Another instance is an AP picture of a British military doctor "saving" the life of a four-day-old child, thereby highlighting the humane face of the war mongers. Or was it to neutralise the Al-Jazeera picture of the dead Iraqi child? Such is the dreadful nature of this information war.
As Toffler says, the "third wave media is characterised by such tactical approaches to information, creating a sense of unreality over real events. The jamming of the AI-Jazeera websites and the attacks on its television stations, are also part of the "knowledge strategies" to aid destruction.
The US might win the war, but for sure, they would not stop there. Any country with great natural resources would be the target of American expansionism. What the Thirld World needs is a more mature anti-war strategy, more effective use of knowledge resources and the creation of a new "information ecology"
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